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34 Results

  • Sonia Gallagher (flickr) (CC BY 2.0)

    Gentle Yoga and Relaxation

    Immerse yourself in a mindful practice that seamlessly blends gentle yoga postures, deep breathing techniques, and subtle body exercises. This beginner-friendly class aims to ease soreness, engage connective tissues, and provide time to restore and rejuvenate. Please bring a comfortable yoga mat to ground yourself. Optionally, consider bringing blocks, straps, pillows or towels to enhance your relaxation during the poses.
  • Starting Soon
    Pino Antúnez (flickr) (CC BY 2.0)

    How Does Energy, Frequency and Vibration Affect Us?

    Energy is all around us and everything has a frequency to it. Water, matter, light and sound not only have a frequency, but react to it as well. What's even more amazing is how our thoughts and emotions can affect matter and frequency. This presentation will highlight experiments and revelations by some highly intelligent sources. You will have an awakening experience by the end of this presentation.
  • Gaby (flickr) (CC BY 2.0)

    Learn Positive Communication (Even in Difficult Situations)

    Learn to communicate in a positive way, even in difficult situations. Learn four key insights that will provide you a roadmap to an improved communication style. The insights help you foster a positive attitude by embracing grace and gratefulness. Ultimately, you will learn to develop a communication style that leads to more positive interactions with people on a day-to-day basis. Your presenter calls this approach, “choosing to make lemonade.”
  • Nenad Stojkovic (flickr) (CC BY 2.0)

    Makeup Bootcamp for Women 40 & Better

    When was the last time you updated your makeup and beauty regimen? Has your skin changed over time? What about your hair color? Join this “boot camp” to update your look with tips and techniques for ageless beauty. Learn about a variety of products (some may be completely new to you), application, and the latest trends in makeup and skin care. Julie Sherman is a makeup artist with 30+ years of experience. No products or services will be sold. This class is essential for busy, beautiful women who could use a little updating.
  • Online: Acupressure & Other Tools for Women 35+

    This is an online class held via Zoom. Please make sure you have a current email on file so we can send you the link and PDF handouts prior to class. Acupressure is an ancient healing art that can offer great relief, with no side effects, from symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, bloating, headaches, irritability, nausea, insomnia, anxiety and even weight gain. Learn which points balance hormone levels naturally, including thyroid hormones. Acupressure is a wonderful self-help tool that will help you feel your best. We will discuss breathing techniques, nutritional musts, and more.
  • Online: Acupressure Face Lift & Skin Savvy

    This is an online class held via Zoom. Please make sure you have a current email on file so we can send you the link and PDF handouts prior to class. Here’s a facelift you can do at home. Acupressure is an ancient Chinese healing method that works with the energy that flows through your body. Stimulating facial acupressure points can help erase years from your face naturally, bring a healthy glow to your skin; increase forming; even decrease headaches, relieve eye strain, soothe nerves, and increase relaxation. Learn how to make your skin as healthy as possible from the inside out.
  • Online: Acupressure to Assist Weight Loss

    This is an online class held via Zoom. Please make sure you have a current email on file so we can send you the link and PDF handouts prior to class. Acupressure is a Chinese healing technique that involves pressing or massaging key points on the body to stimulate energy flow through pathways called meridians. When the points that regulate metabolism, digestion and thyroid function are blocked or out of balance, losing weight will seem like an impossible task. In this workshop, you will learn the main pressure points that help strengthen thyroid function, boost metabolism, control appetite, decrease food cravings, reduce stress eating and strengthen the entire digestive system.
  • Online: Acupressure to Relieve Stress, Anxiety and Insomnia

    This is an online class held via Zoom. Please make sure you have a current email on file so we can send you the link and PDF handouts prior to class. Acupressure is an ancient healing art and self-help tool. It can offer great relief with no side effects and help you feel your best. Along with the specific points to help relieve stress, insomnia, anxiety, irritability and even weight gain, learn the Nine Master Pressure Points which are the most helpful and most frequently prescribed to help and assist every system in your body.
  • Online: Avoid the Pitfalls & Weight Gain of Perimenopause/Menopause

    This is an online class held via Zoom. Please make sure you have a current email on file so we can send you the link and PDF handouts prior to class. Perimenopause starts around the age of 35 for most women and can last 10-15 years. Common symptoms include fatigue, migraines, weight gain, water retention, depression, sleep disturbances, joint aches, hot flashes, anger flashes, migraines, fibroids, exaggerated PMS and more. Once you understand exactly what is causing all the troublesome symptoms, they are much easier to correct. You'll discuss how to get hormone levels measured - blood test vs. saliva test and what to do with the results; traditional HRT vs. bio-identical; acupressure points to assist in symptom relief and nutritional musts. You'll leave with multiple tools and techniques for restoring health and well-being.
  • Online: De-Age Your Brain

    This is an online class held via Zoom. Please make sure you have a current email on file so we can send you the link and PDF handouts prior to class. Current research shows lifestyle and diet have a big effect on HOW the brain ages. Cognitive function, which covers all aspects of perceiving, thinking and reasoning, CAN improve. And the very good news is no matter what your age there are things you can begin to do today to improve how quickly and effectively brain cells communicate with each other. We’ll discuss which ‘superfoods’ reduce the damaging effects of toxins and inflammation on the brain and which nutrients are great for memory, attention, processing information and reducing stress. You will learn simple, easy to implement strategies to help your brain stay healthy and alert.
  • BK (flickr) (CC BY 2.0)

    Online: Emotional Release for Inner Peace

    This is an online Zoom class. You will receive a link to the class and all information prior to the start via email. Please make sure your email is on file with us. Inner peace is impossible to maintain while we still hold on to the very feelings and beliefs that keep us from being peaceful to begin with. Trapped negative emotions like fear, anger and sorrow can disrupt the flow of vital energy in our bodies and actually sabotage our inner peace. In this single evening course, you will learn simple yet effective techniques for getting in touch with, understanding, accepting and releasing the emotions that keep us from ourselves. Nobody wants to suffer. Come learn to rest in the peaceful state of loving acceptance that is our true nature.
  • Online: Face Yoga

    This is an online class held via Zoom. Please make sure you have a current email on file so we can send you the link and PDF handouts prior to class. There are 19 flat muscles in your face, all of which can be strengthened and toned, just like arm or leg muscles. Facial exercises can take years off your appearance by reducing frown and forehead lines, reducing “puppet mouth’ lines, lifting and firming neckline, making upper and lower cheeks fuller, reduce puffiness and sagging around eyes, improve circulation and nutrient flow into cells and improve lymph circulation. Learn simple exercises that will rejuvenate your face.
  • Sonia Gallagher (flickr) (CC BY 2.0)

    Online: Healing with Energy

    This is an online Zoom class. Please make sure you have a current email address on file. You will receive a login link a few days prior to the start of the class. Harness your power to heal yourself and others - Naturally! Whether you’re looking for a quick and easy remedy for headaches, wanting to increase vitality, create greater mental/emotional balance or seeking healing for a chronic condition, this class has something for you. In this engaging, interactive course, you will work with tools and techniques from a variety of energy healing practices such as acupressure, chakra clearing, auric-field healing, toning, chi gong and long-distance healing. Topics include the power of intent, using your intuition and mastering the mind/body/spirit connection. This course is ideal for healing professionals wishing to expand their tools as well as for individuals who want to open to powerfully experience their own healing potential.
  • Online: Hips, Thighs & Otherwise

    This is an online class held via Zoom. Please make sure you have a current email on file so we can send you the link and PDF handouts prior to class. If you’ve noticed hip/thigh/butt spread, you are not alone, and this workshop is for you. We have become a nation of professional sitters, causing lower body muscles to weaken and sag. In this workshop, you will learn: my famous ‘10 Minute Miracle Exercise’ series to strengthen lower body muscles quickly and, in the process, increase metabolism and bone density; decrease 2 inches off saddlebag area in 2 weeks; trim inches off lower body by getting rid of excess water weight; breathing technique to stimulate fat metabolism; acupressure points for lymph circulation and drainage. If you don’t have time/money/inclination to haul yourself to a gym several times a week, you will love these powerful and effective techniques. You will need a resistance band, tied in a loop for the ’10 Minute Miracle Exercise’.
  • Online: Hips, Thighs & Otherwise

    This is an online class held via Zoom. Please make sure you have a current email on file so we can send you the link and PDF handouts prior to class. If you’ve noticed hip/thigh/butt spread, you are not alone, and this workshop is for you. We have become a nation of professional sitters, causing lower body muscles to weaken and sag. In this workshop, you will learn: my famous ‘10 Minute Miracle Exercise’ series to strengthen lower body muscles quickly and, in the process, increase metabolism and bone density; decrease 2 inches off saddlebag area in 2 weeks; trim inches off lower body by getting rid of excess water weight; breathing technique to stimulate fat metabolism; acupressure points for lymph circulation and drainage. If you don’t have time/money/inclination to haul yourself to a gym several times a week, you will love these powerful and effective techniques. You will need a resistance band, tied in a loop for the ’10 Minute Miracle Exercise’.
  • Online: Is Your Waistband Too Tight Today? How to Beat Belly Bloat

    This is an online class held via Zoom. Please make sure you have a current email on file so we can send you the link and PDF handouts prior to class. Have you ever found that in the a.m. your pants fit fine but by mid-afternoon, the waistband squeezes you like a tourniquet? Or that no matter how many crunches you do, your stomach still hangs out? Getting rid of a potbelly is much more than just doing abdominal exercises. In this workshop, you will learn the main causes and 6 strategies for getting rid of belly bloat. We will do a few exercises designed to strengthen the deepest layer of abdominal muscle - the layer that is responsible for flattening your stomach, shaping your waistline, and supporting your lower back. And we will do this without getting on the floor.
  • Online: Just Breathe! Techniques to Calm, Center & Balance

    This is an online class held via Zoom. Please make sure you have a current email on file so we can send you the link and PDF handouts prior to class. Breathing in specific ways can have amazing and powerful healing benefits on mind and body. Breath work is the single most powerful thing you can practice for improving energy levels, health, and well-being. In this workshop, you will learn ancient breathing exercises that will: neutralize stress by reprogramming your nervous system; increase energy and vitality; increase brain function; improve immune response; decrease depression and anxiety; and help strengthen your back and abs from the inside out. The simplest and most powerful technique for optimum health is free and right under your nose.
  • Hartwig HKD (flickr) (CC BY 2.0)

    Online: Meditation for Relaxation & Personal Healing

    This is an online Zoom class. Please make sure you have a current email address on file. You will receive a login link a few days prior to the start of the class. Do you suffer from stress, anxiety or sleeplessness-or even high blood pressure or hypertension? Does your mind never stop going? Meditation can help. Meditation is a simple , easy to learn practice that involves focusing your thoughts and your breathing to help you relax into the present moment. Studies show that regular meditation can help promote increased mental clarity and emotional balance, reduce the physical effects of stress and create a greater sense of well being. In this interactive course, you will learn the empowering concepts and techniques for successful personal meditation and will find support in crafting your own meditation regimen. Come experience for yourself the abundance of inner peace, personal health and spiritual connection that come from meditation.
  • Online: Metabolism Boosters & Busters

    This is an online class held via Zoom. Please make sure you have a current email on file so we can send you the link and PDF handouts prior to class. In the past you probably could drop weight by cutting back on calories or exercising a bit more. But then suddenly the scale stops moving and you just can’t seem to lose weight. The good news is - you could lose up to 20 pounds in a year without eating less. Just by revving up your metabolism, you can burn more calories every day, lose fat, boost energy, feel stronger and more fit. In this class, you will learn 20 simple things you can do every day to boost your metabolism and burn as much as 30% more calories every day.
  • Online: Overcome Your Carbohydrate Cravings

    This is an online class held via Zoom. Please make sure you have a current email on file so we can send you the link and PDF handouts prior to class. Ever had a day where you can’t stop eating? Do you crave starches, snack foods, and sweets and find the more you eat, the more you want to eat? Is your snacking out of control? In this workshop, we will discuss a two week plan that will STOP your cravings (no kidding!), help you lose weight and help keep your insulin levels balanced. Overcoming carb cravings is not a matter of willpower but of biology. Learn how you can stop the vicious cycle of food craving and weight gain. No hype – just the facts.
  • Online: Posture & Osteoporosis - Building Better Bones

    This is an online class held via Zoom. Please make sure you have a current email on file so we can send you the link and PDF handouts prior to class. Have you ever caught sight of your reflection in a window or mirror to see that your head leads the way? Or noticed that your shoulders and upper back are too rounded forward? You’ll learn simple techniques to improve posture and stand straighter. We’ll do exercises to help flatten the upper back, un-round shoulders and flatten your midsection. Learn how to reduce the risk of osteoporosis and how to re-gain bone mass. We’ll discuss the latest research findings on nutrition, minerals and trace minerals needed for bone health; foods that help and/or harm your bones and more. Wear loose, comfortable clothing. You will need a resistance band or tube for some of the exercises.
  • Online: Posture & Osteoporosis - Building Better Bones

    This is an online class held via Zoom. Please make sure you have a current email on file so we can send you the link and PDF handouts prior to class. Have you ever caught sight of your reflection in a window or mirror to see that your head leads the way? Or noticed that your shoulders and upper back are too rounded forward? You’ll learn simple techniques to improve posture and stand straighter. We’ll do exercises to help flatten the upper back, un-round shoulders and flatten your midsection. Learn how to reduce the risk of osteoporosis and how to re-gain bone mass. We’ll discuss the latest research findings on nutrition, minerals and trace minerals needed for bone health; foods that help and/or harm your bones and more. Wear loose, comfortable clothing. You will need a resistance band or tube for some of the exercises.
  • Online: Posture, Get it Straight! Look 10 Years Younger and Feel Better

    This is an online class held via Zoom. Please make sure you have a current email on file so we can send you the link and PDF handouts prior to class. Ever caught your own reflection to see that your head hangs too far forward, or your shoulders are too rounded, or you slump too much? You will learn how to correct common posture problems and learn an ‘Instant Alignment Technique’ that will have you standing straighter immediately. We’ll discuss easy to implement tips when at a computer, in a car or working out. There are many benefits to improving posture. And, the good news is no matter how long you may have had poor posture, it is NEVER TOO LATE to make improvements. Your clothes will fit better, too! You’ll need a resistance band for some exercises.
  • Online: Psychic Development & Mediumship

    This is an online Zoom class. You will receive a link to the class and all information prior to the start via email. Please make sure your email is on file with us. Think you’re not psychic? Think again! Each one of us is born with an innate sensitivity to the world of energy within and around us. By learning how to pay attention to and trust the subtle impressions we all get, we can gain amazingly accurate insights into the questions of our lives and the lives of others. During this five-week course, you will build confidence in your natural abilities through engaging, skill-building exercises and will practice exchanging healing and empowering messages with your classmates. Come experience the freedom and fun of opening to your inner gifts as you grow in your spiritual connection!